Terms of Reference
Mid-Term Evaluation of Swedish Embassy Funded Project:
Project Title: Building Peace through gender equitable and resilience in Ituri, DRC
Brief overview of Programme
Background of the Project
The project sought to address conflict through women’s social and economic empowerment, increasing women’s protection from Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and increasing resilience across the communities in Mambasa and Djugu Territories.
Trocaire purposed to address issues of women’s political participation in informal and formal decision making processes including those where conflict dynamics are influenced and discussed and around protection from SGBV and equitable access to land. In order to create an enabling environment for this to take place, we believe we must first work to empower women economically, so that they can have the time and space to engage more meaningfully in the social empowerment work and protection from SGBV. Trócaire’s empowerment approach aims at strengthening individual and community capacities to engage with duty bearers and to influence plans and policies that directly affect their lives.
A conflict sensitive approach was applied throughout the project so that our activities and our partners will be enabled to promote peace and contribute to reduced levels of destructive and violent conflict in target areas.
Project Goal: The overall goal was to contribute to peaceful and gender equitable communities in Mambasa and Djugu Territories, Ituri Province, DRC.
Project Outcomes: The project had 3 long term outcomes (LTO) that were identified and aimed at, namely:
LTO 1: Women, particularly young women are socially and economically empowered to participate in both conflict and peace-related formal and informal decision making processes at all levels;
LTO 2: Women, girls and boys are free from violence and its associated risks; and
LOT3: Civil Society Organizations working on gender equality and women’s rights are strengthened and deliver on their objectives.
Project partners: The project, which has just completed its second year of implementation, was planned to take place over a period of 4 years and was carried out by Trócaire and 7 key partners, who brought in specific expertise. These 7 key partners of the proposed were:
Forum des Mamans de l’Ituri (FOMI)
Programme d’Action pour le Développement Intégré du Paysan (PADIP)
Commission Justice et Paix (CDJP) – Bunia
Cadre d'Appui pour la Recherche de Solution (CARS)
Programme Nourriture d’Abord (PNA)
Club des Volontaires pour l'Appui aux Peuples autochtones (CVAP)
Femme Congolaise pour le Développement (FECONDE)
The project was aligned with the Stabilization Support Unit of the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy (ISSSSor I4S). Trócaire’s programme was placed under 2 pillars namely; 3 (economic recovery), and 5 (Women, peace and security) , and which alignment criteria Trócaire’s programme satisfied. This is as outlined below and references to activities and outcomes were further detailed within the narrative proposal and logic model/results framework. The M&E Unit worked with Trócaire to harmonize the project’s logical framework with the ISSSS logical framework (adjustment of objectives, outcomes, and their indicators).
I4S Alignment Criteria
Criteria 1: Based on a gender-sensitive conflict analysis, the project targets one or more main conflict dynamics identified in the stabilization zones (and in the SPS/PAPS).
Sub-criteria 1.1: The project targets the transformation of existing, open or latent, intra- or inter-community conflicts identified in one of the ISSSS priority zones.
Trócaire’s Immediate Outcome 1.5 (Local and provincial authorities and leaders are supporting- and being held accountable for- participatory governance, and are favorable to strategies that enhance the lives of women and girls (Institutional level change)). The joint development of local community plans that reflect the priorities of women and the establishment of a monitoring mechanism with a strong implication and leadership of women/women organizations is “align able” to Pillar 5 of the ISSSS.
Criterion 2: Conflict actors are at the centre of the process of transforming the priority conflict dynamics identified in the area.
Trócaire’s multi-stakeholder meetings to develop local development plans and the subsequent implementation and follow-up of those plans meet this criterion.
Criterion 3: The project strengthens collaboration between the State, customary authorities and women, youth and men in the transformation of the priority conflict dynamics identified in the stabilization zone.
Trócaire’s activities under Intermediate outcome 1.5 meet this criterion, including the facilitation of meetings to develop local development plans, trainings on inclusive governance and gender-sensitive budgeting for local authorities, and awareness raising activities targeting girls, women and men, especially community and religious leaders, with the aim to gain greater acceptance of women’s participation in decision-making and implementation of local plans. In addition, women advocacy networks will be supported to carry out evidence-based advocacy to hold local and provincial authorities to account for their participatory governance and for the implementation of community plans (local level); and to advocate for the adaptation of gender responsive budgets and its implementation at Territory level.
Criterion 4: The project strengthens the participation of women and female youth in the transformation of one or more conflict dynamics, addressing the structural and sociocultural factors that hinder it.
As Trócaire’s intervention falls under pillar 5, this criteria is met. Economic empowerment of women, is used as a core supporting strategy to increase women’s independence and ability to engage in formal groups and at household level in decision making.
The project is furthermore aligned with the Provincial Strategies and Provincial Stabilization Action Plans (SPS and PAPS) for Ituri Province and more specifically Mambasa and Djugu Territories. In addition, the proposed project will be implemented in close coordination with other interventions taking place in the intervention area as to build upon success made and groundwork laid by other organizations, as well as taking into account their lessons learned. The project will for example complement activities undertaken by International Alert and the network of Rien Sans Les Femmes which is bringing together all NGOs in the domain of gender. The project is furthermore developed in close consultation with UNHABITAT and the NGO’s under consortium for a wide range of activities as further detailed in Chapter 10 of this proposal.
Purpose of the project Midterm Review
The purpose of the midterm evaluation is to assess whether the project is on track as per the milestones set during the baseline evaluation. The results of the evaluation will be used to update the Results Framework and they could contribute, as appropriate, to revise strategies and capacity building and peer support with partners.
The context during the implementation of this programme experienced many challenges like the security constraints linked to volatility of situation in Djugu territory with population movements but also two diseases including the Ebola outbreak in Mambasa territory and the COVID-19 pandemic. This midterm evaluation should inform the necessary catch-up due to this disruption.
It is envisaged that the results of the mid-term project evaluation will provide clear guidance for addressing logistics, administration, human resource and other implementation challenges. This external mid-term evaluation at the end of Year 2 is intended to:
Measure progress
Identify challenges
Identify lessons learnt; what worked well or didn’t work well and why
Gather success stories
To recommend program improvement and adaption
These findings will be shared and discussed with Trócaire, and its partners and with the donor (Swedish Embassy). The findings and recommendations will support learning and program adaptation, that will include:
Accountability of Trocaire to beneficiaries (Women, men and partners), to demonstrate changes that have occurred as a result of the programme;
Learning for Trocaire from the positive and negative outcomes of the programme, and from recommendations made by the evaluation, to improve the programme approach or programme design.
Key midterm evaluation questions
Asses the achievements of the project against planned objectives, including any unexpected results. To what extent can the results be attributed to the project?
The focus will be on progress achieved to date, and any initial changes (Impacts) observed in the target population (in addition to the impact questions under OECD/DAC criteria). The evaluation should report of the changes across all levels, under each outcome:
Is the project on track, and what are the reasons/drivers for this, or off track and what can be done to improve?
What are the initial changes experienced by communities as a results of the programme’s initiatives?
What are the initial changes experienced by women as a result of the programme’s women’s empowerment and SGBV protection initiatives?
What are the initial changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices as a result of rights awareness, literacy and changing gender norms methodology used?
What proxy indicators exist that could be attributed to the project?
Documentation of at least one initial change story.
Assess the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria of projects relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact (initial changes) and sustainability
How relevant were the programme outcomes to the needs and priorities of beneficiairies?
How relevant were programme activities to these outcomes?
How well did the programme use learning from M&E to remain relevant over time?
Are there emerging needs that the programme should be responding to?
To what extent have initial outcomes been realized?
Were there any differences noted among beneficiaries?
What were the main factors that determined the achievement/non-achievement outcomes?
What barriers/challenges were faced?
To what extent has integration happened?
Any recommendations for improving delivery of integration?
How cost-efficient was implementation to in deliver programme activities?
Were objectives achieved on time?
To what extent did the programme utilize partnerships with external actors, or synergies with other Trocaire programmes, to increase efficiency (and effectiveness?).
What opportunities were taken, and what were not maximised?
Impact (initial changes)
What has happened because of the Sida programme that wouldn’t have otherwise happened - direct and indirect changes, both intended or unintended?
What have been the key changes at community level, especially related to the key outcomes on protection and empowerment of women?
How many people have experienced the change (including, where possible, estimates of indirect and unintended beneficiaries, e.g. of protection and empowerment)?
What affected the overall impact and how did this happen? (as well as effectiveness and efficiency)?
What measures has Trocaire DRC put in place to ensure the sustainability of programme activities and impacts?
To what extent did Trocaire DRC harness existing structures and resources in the community?
To what extent did the programme create new structures, eg. Women protection / women empowerment committees? How were these created and their capacity built? What is the likelihood of these continuing to exist and to deliver benefits after the end of the programme?
What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of sustainability of the programme
Assess to what extent the pathways of change identified were valid, relevant and accurate.
Did change actually occur in ways expected (as outlined in the logic model)?
Did the Trocaire and partners adapt appropriately in response to changes in the context and lessons learned from implementation of the intervention?
Identify lessons learned in attempting to achieve the desired outcomes
Based on the analysis of findings and conclusions, what are the key takeaways for future programming?
What are the key lessons for future programme focus and strategies? What are the key operational lessons for future programme implementation?
What have been the benefits and challenges of integrating Trócaire’s approaches on partners and communities?
To what extent has Trocaire addressed more than one outcome in a community and what have been the lessons from this process?
How has the integration of empowerment and protection strengthened resilience across communities and humanitarian/development responses?
How is the project complementary within the framework of the Integrated programming?
To what extent have Trócaire and partners demonstrated accountability to communities and partners at all stages of the programme cycle
During the midterm evaluation, the consultants will review quantitative and qualitative (ownership) project progress data of the last two years to date. He/she shall further triangulate this by collecting primary quantitative and qualitative data from the field in Mambasa and Djugu
The methodology will involve a desk review, interviews with key informants and primary data collection. The proposed methodology will entail:
Develop an inception report with detailed methodology and tools
Validate the inception report with project team
Conduct desk review of project documents; baseline reports, progress reports
Develop field quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and validate with project team
Collect quantitative and qualitative data through interviews with beneficiaries, Key Informants including staff and partners, in Mambasa and Djugu focusing on most significant changes experienced so far, as a result of the programme
Develop a draft the midterm review report and validate with Trocaire project team
Feedback to Trocaire programme team and partners
Disseminate and share information (findings) with Trocaire, Partners, beneficiaries and key stakeholders.
The first stage will entail developing an inception report, followed by a desk review of secondary data, and then field by interviews with key Trócaire staff, Partners and beneficiaries. Thereafter an analysis and triangulation, and development of a draft midterm evaluation report, and presentation to project team.
The desk review will cover all documents related to the project, including under long term outcomes 1, 2 and 3, and those relevant to Protection (women are protected from violence, SGBV and its associated risks) and empowerment. Extract information that will facilitate development of recommendations and lessons to contribute to learning, on protection and prevention from GBV and sexual exploitation, and empowerment. The final report will be shared with Trocaire DRC team and implementing partners for feedback before sharing with The Swedish Embassy.
The geographical scope of the midterm evaluation will cover the 13 villages of Mambasa Territory (Parana, Banana Ecole, Zunguluka, Butama 1, Brazza (kangambili), Butiaba 1 (Mabakese), Bamenye, Bango, Masiliko, Mayuano, Some, Muchanga and Andikwakwa), and the 14 villages of the territory of Djugu (Luvangire-katoto, Kparnganza, Seseti-Blukwa, Saliboko, Masumbuko, Gina (Sesele-Jakondahora), Fataki, Pimbo (Tsuba-Kaba), Zibiti-Nizi, Dhedja, Kilo-Itendey, Kpandroma, Largu -Drodro and Lopa).
The consultant should include a financial proposal in the expression of interest. The budget of the implementation of the mid-term evaluation will be discussed by the consultant and will be funded by Trocaire. The specific costs and agreeing on the activities to be done by the consultant will be discussed with Trocaire Country office and HQ; the costs envisaged would include consultant’s fees, research assistant (enumerators) fees, logistics and administration of data collection and interviews with stakeholders (including refreshments during interviews; Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interview (KIIs), communication, lodging, printing and dissemination)
Audience for the MTRs
The main actors and stakeholders in the mid-term evaluation are the beneficiaries, the implementing partners, the local authorities, key informants, people living out of the catchment area, stakeholders including local agencies, the Trócaire team in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Programme Implementation and learning (PIL) units at headquarters. The report of the mid-term evaluation will be shared with The Swedish Embassy.
Expected Outputs
Reporting outputs must include:
Inception Report (or Plan)
Draft Review Report
Final Report
Management Response by Trocaire CMT.
The final Output; management response will be the responsibility of the CMT in DRC. At the country level, the midterm evaluation report will be used to guide actions and to capitalize on the project's achievements. The resolutions taken will be shared with the implementing partners and an implementation plan will be drawn up to follow up on the recommendations made.
The final MTR report, structured as follows:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (approx 2 pages)
2. Purpose and Objectives of the Mid-Term evaluation
2.1 MTE Purpose
2.2 Target audience/Primary Stakeholders
2.3 Scope of the MTR (from country-specific ToR)
3.1 Overview
3.2 Details of Data Collection Methodologies
3.2 Data Analysis, Validation and Feedback
3.3 Limitations
4.1 Programme Achievements (Progress towards results): Outcome 1
4.2 Pathways of Change and Linkages: Outcome 1
4.3 Country specific questions: Outcome 1
5.1 Programme Achievements (Progress towards results): Outcome 2
5.2 Pathways of Change and Linkages: Outcome 2
5.3 Country specific questions: Outcome 2
6.1 Programme Achievements (Progress towards results): Outcome 3
6.2 Pathways of Change and Linkages: Outcome 3
6.3 Country specific questions: Outcome 3
7.1 Integration of Trócaire Approaches
7.2 Accountability
7.3 Lessons learned
8.1 Conclusions
8.2 Recommendations
The Consultant will be provided with a report template for the midterm evaluation, which must be used to produce a draft report, to be shared with Trocaire and partners for input and comment, to enable the evaluation team to produce the final version. The evaluation team includes MEAL technical Advisors, Project Techcal Advisors and in HQ PIL (Martina and Andrew)
A revised workable and detailed timeframe with exact dates and outputs will provided in the inception report, but should include key processes, outputs and milestones. The evaluation has been planned for September to allow the partners to finalise all activities by end of August. The findings of this evaluation will inform the writing of the annual narrative and financial reports due to SIDA on October 31st, 2020 for the second year of the project.
Estimated time /Dates
Inception meeting with Trocaire DRC (Midterm evaluation planning)
1 day (Sept 1st )
Inception report (with methodology and tools)
3 days (Sept 2nd -4th)
Desk review of programme documents
5 days (Sept 7th – 11th)
Preparation for field interviews (approvals, mobilisations, research assistants training and pretesting)
3 days (Week of Sep 7th-11th)
Primary data collection: Field interviews with Key Informants including staff, partners and beneficiaries (Quantitative and qualitative process)
5 days (Sept 13-th – Sept 19th)
Data analysis, report writing, and submission for validation
5 Days (Sept 20th – 25th)
Presentation and Validation of draft report
1 days (Sept 28th)
Write-up and submission of final report based on DRC, HQ and Partners feedback on draft report
2 days (Sept 28th -30th)
Dissemination of final approved report
1 day ( Oct 1st)
Consultant finalizes report based on Trocaire DRC, HQ and Partners feedback, and re-submits to the satisfaction of SIDA and Trocaire HQ
1 day (Octob15th)
Management response
Trocaire SMT (Oct 5th-9th) )
Profile of the Consultant
The consultant demonstrates how he/she meets the following requirements:
Higher level education, at least master’s degree in social/community development, project planning and management, gender studies
Experience with gender empowerment and protection programming in emergency contexts spanning over 10 years
High-level technical skills in project evaluations and project cycle management.
Experience with program evaluations in Eastern DR Congo, and knowledge of local context (Ituri province)
Experience in CSO capacity strengthening/training/facilitation will be an added advantage .
Experience data management and analysis, and documentation
Excellent skills in qualitative and quantitative processes.
Excellent report writing skills.
Provide written samples of previous work done
Commitment to the safeguarding of programme participants, as demonstrated by signing Trócaire’s Safeguarding Programme Participants Policy.
Working modalities;
Trócaire will carry out overall management of this consultancy and Trócaire’s Technical Advisor managing the grant will serve as the main point of contact;
The overall designation of roles and responsibilities as well as related administrative and logistic arrangements will be coordinated based on the distinctions made below:
Trócaire will:
- Support contract design and finalization, and make necessary payments as per the contract.
Technical Advisor (Point of contact – management, logistics and administration)
MEAL Advisor (management and technical supervision) Support contract design and finalization, and make necessary payments as per the contract.
- Supporting the Consultant in accessing programme related documents and research.
- Support with communication and logistics for fieldwork,
- Provide feedback and review of draft documents as necessary.
The Consultant will be responsible to:
- Lead on the day-to-day activities of the assignment,
- Deliver all the targeted outputs of the assignment in good quality as per the agreed timeframe.
- Provide regular, timely and transparent updates on progress to Trócaire, including any changes or challenges,
- Liaise with Trócaire’s MEAL Advisor for any technical issues
Liaise with technical Adviser for any contractual, and logistical issues,
- Sign Trócaire’s statement of commitment to the safeguarding policy,
- Cover his/her medical insurance all the time
11. Payment Schedule:
Payment will be made in three instalments; a) First tranche 40% upon signature of the contract, b) second tranche 40% upon receipt of the first draft of the report and final installment, c) 20% upon receipt of the final report validated by all parties after successful completion of the consultancy. Should the final output be of low quality or the consultant demonstrates that she/he is unable to meet the objectives of the terms of reference, then Trócaire has the right to terminate the consultancy at any time, after which no further payment will be made to the consultant. Logistics costs will paid in full in the first installment and must be supported by supporting documentation, unless Trocaire decides to directly manage this cost.
12. Safeguarding
All consultants who work for Trócaire will be required to sign and abide by Trócaire’s official position statement on exploitation and abuse, including zero-tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. Trócaire recognises that abuse of power has led, and continues to lead, too many forms of exploitation and abuse. The nature of Trócaire’s work creates a power differential between those employed by or working with Trócaire and programme participants and partners. Trócaire acknowledges that the potential exists for those who work with programme participants and partners to abuse their position of power. Trócaire’s commitment to safeguarding is inclusive of its staff and all those with whom it comes into contact through its work.
13. Expression of interest guidelines
Interested consultants who meets, or consultancy firms, which meets the above criteria and are invited to express interest to undertake the consultancy by presenting a technical proposal financial proposal by close of business August 23rd, 2020, via the following email address: Chance.Bahati:@trocaire.org, and copying [email protected]
NB: The expressions of interest (technical and financial proposals) can either be done in English or French language.
The application should include the following documentation:
Technical proposal, including: a) Work plan/timeline, b) two copies of reports of previous similar evaluations done, and c) CVs of consultants who will be engaged assignment , outlining relevant experience and accomplishments.
A financial proposal including consultancy fees, administrative costs and any related taxes
Three Referees who can be contacted regarding relevant experience.
Technical proposal will be evaluated based on technical quality; background and experience of the consultants; and value for money.