Title: Country Coordinator, Girl Rising ENGAGE project in the DRC Post
Location: Kinshasa, DRC
Reports to: Project Director, ENGAGE, in New York Start
Date: Immediately
Girl Rising is a global campaign for girls’ education that uses storytelling, including the Girl Rising feature film, to raise awareness about the power of educating girls to transform societies.
The film tells the stories of nine girls from nine countries around the world and the formidable obstacles they overcome in pursuit of an education. Girl Rising storytelling makes the barriers that girls face to education personal - inspiring action among viewers. The film has been broadcast on CNN International and Star TV in India, screened in thousands of local screenings in over 100 countries and raised millions of dollars for girls’ education programs around the world.
The Girl Rising ENGAGE project in the DRC is a public-private partnership funded by USAID, which uses the film, translated and dubbed into French, Lingala and Swahili as a central communication tool. The partnership brings together the best in public and private sector resources and know-how toward closing the gender gaps that persist in education and securing a better future for girls.
The project’s three main objectives include:
• Increase public attention, awareness, engagement and actions around the importance of equitable, quality education for all and the need to eliminate gender disparity in education. Accomplished primarily through a TV broadcast, radio programming and a vibrant social media campaign.
• Mobilize and engage men, women, and school-aged youth through grassroots community initiatives to take action to address barriers and social norms impeding access to quality education for girls. Accomplished through partnerships with local and international NGOs with similar missions.
• Motivate leaders, key stakeholders and other decision-makers to take concrete, positive action to eliminate barriers to girls’ education and engage cultural influencers to amplify the program messaging.
ENGAGE is recruiting a passionate and dedicated professional to serve as our Country Coordinator based in DRC for an immediate start.
The ideal candidate will be a proactive, passionate advocate for girls’ education, excited to work independently in a cutting edge media program and dedicated to the program’s success. S/he will have a unique set of skills and experience including: program management at the national, state and/or community level; experience overseeing and evaluating behavior change communications and social mobilization interventions; knowledge and experience working with DRC media and public relations (PR) organizations, experience working on projects funded by USAID or other international donors, familiarity with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) involved in advocacy and education and gender programming.
Scope of position:
The DRC Country Coordinator will manage and coordinate the project’s activities in the DRC. S/he will collaborate with key project stakeholders to ensure effective communication and coordination. Key stakeholders include the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), relevant Government institutions, leading media institutions, partner NGOs and corporations, and key influencers in the country.
This is an independent consulting position. The project coordinator will be responsible for a set of deliverables associated with assigned duties, for documentation and reporting as required by USDAID, and for regular and robust communication with the Project Director. The consultant will be encouraged to seek out and create new opportunities for program activities and additional assignments. There is no additional support staff.
Specific Duties:
• Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Girl Rising ENGAGE project activities, including partnerships with media companies and our community engagement partners.
• Work closely with broadcast partner and PR and marketing firm to ensure the success of the mass media campaign – including TV and radio programming and broadcasts.
• Work with potential NGO partners to integrate the Girl Rising materials and tools into existing community-level programs to support girls’ education.
• Coordinate with the ENGAGE subawardee FHI 360 on the activities being implemented through the EAGLE schools.
• Coordinate with the ENGAGE subawardee FHI 360 on the activities being implemented by local theater companies.
• Work with the Project Director and project partners to cultivate potential corporate partners to support Girl Rising’s project activities in the DRC.
• Liaise with the relevant Government institutions to support the inclusion of the Girl Rising materials into advocacy campaigns and existing Government and donor programs.
• Coordinate with all ENGAGE partners to submit monitoring information and reports.
• Draft quarterly reports and other special reports as requested.
• Contribute to work plan development.
• Ensure regular communication with the New York office and, as required, with the USAID Mission in Kinshasa.
The Country Coordinator will receive assignments directly from the ENGAGE Project Director and senior staff in New York. S/he will coordinate with ENGAGE staff in New York for technical direction, resource requests and/or technical materials as needed. The position may require travel to project areas in and around Kinshasa and Lubumbashi.
• A degree in communications, behavioral sciences, international development, social sciences or other relevant field of study.
• Experience with media projects, advocacy, community engagement and NGO management. Required Skills and Abilities:
• Prior experience managing USAID-funded or other international donor programs.
• Strong project management, donor reporting and program planning skills.
• Project monitoring and evaluation skills. • Experience working with broadcast, print or digital media.
• Sound understanding of gender and education issues. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and French.
• Experience managing a complex and diverse workload with proven ability to plan and prioritize effectively.
• Diplomacy and strong negotiation skills. Demonstrated ability to interact and work with government officials at all levels, national advocacy groups, corporate leaders and media professionals. • Willingness to travel to Lubumbashi and areas outside of Kinshasa.
• Ability to work independently and as part of a global team.
- Ability to network with other organizations and global partners.
• Computer skills and knowledge of relevant software.
• Attention to detail and accuracy, flexibility and adaptability
• Ability to work as an independent contractor. Desired Skills: • Familiarity with requirements of other bilateral, international and/or private donors.
• Familiarity with current gender and education initiatives in DRC.
• Policy analysis experience.
• Proficiency in other national languages, including Lingala and Swahili.
• Understanding of Public-Private Partnerships or CSR programming efforts.
How to apply:
Compensation will be commensurate with experience. Please send CV, cover letter, and 3 references to [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, but applications received before February 12th will be given first consideration. Looking to fill position immediately. Due to the high volume of applications that we receive, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. You will, however, receive an email confirmation acknowledging receipt of your online application. 10x10 LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Documentary Group, is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We consider all applicants on the basis of merit regardless of their race, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, or any other protected class under federal, state, and local law