CONCERN Worldwide GOM-004/09/2015 (basic& hygienic household products and equipments, and second hand clothes) Page 1
CONCERN WORLDWIDE DRC has received a grant from the US Office of Disaster and Assistance (OFDA) for the implementation of an humanitarian action titled “Humanitarian Assistance and Access to Displaced and Vulnerable Communities in Areas Affected by Recent Conflict”, and plans to use a part of this grant to pay for some purchases in the frame of this market, subject of this international open tender. INTERNATIONAL OPEN INVITATION TO TENDER FOR PURCHASE AND SUPPLY OF BASIC AND HYGIENIC HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENT AND, SECOND HAND CLOTHES
*** Taking part in this tender is totally free ***
« Concern Worldwide ensures that high ethical standards are integrated in all our procurement activities and ensures an open, fair and transparent process at all times».
Ref: GOM – 004/09/2015 (basic and hygienic household products and equipment, and second hand clothes)
For more than 45 years, CONCERN Worldwide is an international humanitarian organization dedicated to tackling poverty and suffering in the world’s poorest countries.
Today, Concern operates in 26 of the world’s poorest countries, helping people to achieve major and long-lasting improvements in their lives. CONCERN has been implementing humanitarian and development programmes in Democratic Republic of Congo since 1994. CONCERN DRC has an office of representation in Kinshasa and two offices of provincial coordination in Goma (North Kivu) and Lubumbashi (High Katanga). CONCERN DRC implements programmes for humanitarian assistance from its bases located in Masisi (North Kivu) and in Manono (Tanganyka).
With a grant from the US office of Disaster and Assistance , for the implementation of its emergency North Kivu programmes including distribution of non food items (NFI) to vulnerable people, CONCERN Worldwide DRC looks for suppliers able to provide products in accordance with the following specifications and quantities.
Requested items :
LOT 01 : Hygienic items
For these two items, the validity date must be of a minimum of 6 months from the date of signing the contract for the initial 50% of the quantity and one year for the remaining50%. Item Quantity Unit Specification
Bar of soaps
Bars of 700 grammes, Quality similar to “Perfumed laundry soap”
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Item Quantity Unit Specification
Pack of sanitary towels
For women, Packs of 12 towels
LOT 02 : Kitchen sets and Various hardware items Item Quantities Specifications Units
Kitchen sets, made up of (for each set)
5 Metalcups
5 Metal plates
5 Spoons
1 Knife
1 Ladle
1 Saucepan of 5 lit.
1 Saucepan of 7 lit.
1 Bassin standard for washing and kitchen, (Diam. around 40 cm)
Rigid plastic jerrycans of 20 litres, with screw-on lid, without tap, suitable for storage of drinking water
Strong tarpaulins, 4 m x 6 m. Woven high-density polyethylene (HDPE) black fibers; Fabric laminated on both sides with low density polyethylene (LDPE) coating; Reinforced with 6 bands of 7.5cm width made of woven black HDPE fabric coated outside.
Impregnated mosquito nets (size double bed # 120 x 190 cm)
(LLIN, WHOPES approved nets – polyester/polyethylene), minimum of 70 denier strength
Supermarket bags (medium/big size)
Colours : 1,000 Orange, 1,000 green et 1,000 other colour
Mats, Sleeping mats, woven plastic, 2m x 1m
LOT 03 : Second hand clothes and bed items Item Quantities Spécifications Units
3 piece loinclothes
Group / Set
Baby clothes (complete with top and bottom)
Group / Set
Child clothes (complete with top and bottom)
Group / Set
Pairs of trousers for men
Man shirts or T.shirts
Blouses for women
Underwear (men, women & children)
Knittings (from 10 years to adult sizes)
Blankets, mixed fibers, 125cm x 189 cm.
1. Closing date for tenders
File tenders are expected not after :
Monday 9th November 2015 at 4 pm, Goma local time.
After this closing date, tenders will not be taken into consideration.
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2. Reception offices for tenders and packaging
Inside a sealed enveloppe, original files may be received at CONCERN offices to the following adresses,
8, Avenue Likasi, Quartier Royal, Commune de la Gombe, Kinshasa, BP 1028, Kinshasa 1
17, Avenue des Pélicans, Quartier des Volcans, Goma, North Kivu
237, Avenue TSHUMA, Quartier Golf, Kabulameshi, Lubumbashi, Haut Katanga
All bids must be provided inside a sealed envelope and clearly marked with the following inscription:
“GOM – 004/09/2015 - (basic household equipment and tools, and second hand clothes),
Must not be opened before 10th November 2015”.
3. Tender file language
Tenders should be in French or English only.
4. Validity for prices of tenders
All prices quoted must remain valid for a minimum of 3 months from the closing date stated above.
5. Currency
Prices must be quoted in US dollars only
6. Award Wining Allocation
As this tender is divided into 3 Lots, Concern Worldwide DRC holds the right to allocate the award winning of each LOT, either seperately or collectively, depending on the criteria evaluation of the Concern tender committee. Meaning that a succesful bidder, offered the award of a contract, can potentially win between one and three lots. All unsuccessul bidders will also be notified in writing.
7. Type of Contract
All contracts signed as result of successful bids will be a once-off Supply Contract, containing Concern Worldwide DRC’s standard terms and conditions.
8. Samples and validity of proposed Goods
For pre granted tenderers, samples may be requested. In this case CONCERN will contact the potential supplier, but it will be the responsibility of the supplier to arrange this and cover all costs to a specified location. Costs associated with the return of samples to suppliers will also be borne by the supplier.
Tenderers may also send samples from the beginning, with their bids but CONCERN will not return them except on supplier requirements under the same conditions as mentioned before.
9. Contents of the tender file
Tender file must contain the following requested information, including any additional appendices joined to this tenderInvitation.
Accurate financial tender (Unit cost per requested item), dated, signed and stamped. The financial tender will include all costs (INCOTERM DDP allowing a delivery to CONCERN warehouse in Goma (17, avenue des Pélicans).
Exact geographic address of the tenderer
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Tenderer submission form duly signed and sealed
Company Certificate of Registration
Copy of a national identifcation or number of license authorization
Copy of liability for taxes with notably the VAT.
Details of the person in charge of commercial relationships.
Completed ‘Tenderers Relevant Experience Form’
The possible Incoterm relevant to the supply should be clearly stated. ie. CIF, CIP, DDP; etc.
Only tenders having the minimum requirements as mentioned before will be taken into consideration for analysis.
CONCERN reserves the right to reject any tender not in accordance with the former requirements.
CONCERN reserves the right to verify, at any step of the process, the authenticity of documents sent by tenderers.
10. Estimated workplan
Closing date for tender reception – Monday 9th November 2015 at 4 pm.
Public openning session of tenders : Tuesday 10th November 2015 14 h00
Evaluation of tenders and selection process– From 11th to 18th November 2015
Final evaluation report and award allocation of contracts – From 20th to 25th November 2015
Public opening session of tenders will be done at CONCERN’s Goma office on N°17, avenue des Pélicans.
Tenderers who wish to attend to this session are warmly welcome and requested to send their intention before, as far as it is possible.
11. Public openning session
This session will be organized as follows:
Verification of presence of every element required for accepting the file.
Verification of official supplier status. (References and capacities – not an intermediate provider- warranties, availibility of goods, history and brand image of the company).
Technical conformity of tenders
For tenderers who would mention an immediate availibility of the requested goods, CONCERN reserves the right to ask for an evaluation on the site of the supplier in order to make sure of the accordance of these goods with CONCERN requirements.
12. Clarification about information of this invitation tender file
In case of any needs of clarification about this file and its information or requirements, potential tenderers can contact the System Director of CONCERN DRC, Mr Gérard Kerrien, on the following email address :, or at Goma office’s CONCERN.
13. Cancellation of this invitation for tenders
CONCERN Worldwide, via the Tender Evaluation Committee, reserves the right to cancel this tender invitation at any time:
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14. Appeals Process
A recourse remains possible in case of a tenderer or a potential tenderer would like to have it, it will be done towards:
Alessandro BINI, Country Director| CONCERN Worldwide - DRC
Tel +243 81 50 29 670 | Email:|
15. Representative persons and tender power of this international tender
Tenderers are informed and aware that in all circumstances and for everything related to this international tender the lone authorized representative remains CONCERN Worldwide.
The funder must not be contacted for any case as well as all responsibilities inherent to the treatment of this tender are within CONCERN Worldwide.
16. Data protection
Concern guarantees that all procurement activities are fully and transparently documented for internal or donor audit purposes. Concern guarantees confidentiality of the procurement process.
Comprehensive files may be obtained to CONCERN offices in DRC or abroad or to this email address: The tender dossier is also available on