SODEICO: national programme officer

SODEICO is recruiting for the Swedish Embassy:

TITLE OF THE POSITION                                                 :  NATIONAL PROGRAMME OFFICER

NUMBER OF POSITION AVAILABLE                               : 1

SALARY                                                                                : COMPETITIVE

TYPE OF CONTRAT                                                          : UNDETERMINED

LOCATION                                                                            : KINSHASA


The Programme Officer will be in charge of the Embassy’s work on livelihood/economic empowerment/agribusiness/natural resources and manage contributions related to these areas or any other function that may be assigned. The exact content of the post will depend on the profile of the successful applicant.



The National Programme Officer will be in charge of :

Contribute to portfolio development of the country programme;
Management of contributions, including preparations, risk analysis, performance review, financial monitoring and auditing;
Contribute to reporting in the area of environment/climate change, economic development and trade, and agribusiness;
Be the focal point for environment and climate change.
Represent the embassy in external activities in the DRC

General competences:

Sound analytical capacity;
Proven ability to independently manage and monitor development cooperation;
Excellent written and oral communication skills;
Excellent command of French;
Very good  command of English ;
Good interpersonal skills and experience of working in a multicultural environment;
Ability to adhere to rules and regulations of the Embassy of Sweden;
Motivation to promote Swedish policies and values, including gender equality


Documented advanced academic degree in a relevant field as per above, including documented knowledge of environmental and climate change;
At least 7 years of relevant professional experience on livelihood/economic empowerment/agribusiness/natural resources;
At least 3 years of experience working in multilateral, bilateral, international or national organisations on development cooperation or humanitarian assistance.


French excellent command.
English very good command.

6. Merits/added advantages:

Having access to a network of professional contacts in the DRC in the fields as per above
Good knowledge of civil society in the DRC
Knowledge of local languages


- We invite you to post your CV in Microsoft Word format in English (compulsory mention of the position title in subject of your application): "National Programme Officer" and your application letter (in English) via mail directory to our website (complete the application form) before "4th of of November, 2015”.

- Provide us with three references in connection with your previous employments.





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