IBTCI : Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant on USAID/DRC Monitoring, Evaluation, and Collaboration Contract (MECC)

Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant on USAID/DRC Monitoring, Evaluation, and Collaboration Contract (MECC)


Kinshasa ()


Le poste 

Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant on USAID/DRC Monitoring, Evaluation, and Collaboration Contract (MECC)

IBTCI seeks a Kinshasa-based Monitoring and Evaluation(M&E) Assistant to support the Institutional Strengthening and Evaluation Specialist on the 5-year USAID/DRC Monitoring, Evaluation, and CollaborationContract (MECC). The role of MECC is to support and measure institutional strengthening and capacity building of local partners as part of USAID/DRC’s strategy in building monitoring and evaluation capacity at national, provincial, and local levels. 

The Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant’s responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to:

         Support the Institutional Strengthening Evaluation Specialist in the collection of M&E data for the USAID results framework. This will involve refinement and implementation of instruments and toolsbest suited for measurement of capacity building and governance.

         Support the Institutional Strengthening Evaluation Specialist in the oversight of the collection of such M&E data at the baseline, midline and end-line points of the strategy life.

         Support the Institutional Strengthening Evaluation Specialist in the analysis and drafting of the evaluation plan.

         Support the Institutional Strengthening Evaluation Specialist in the oversight of collection of data that responds to key evaluation questions.

         Support the Institutional Strengthening Evaluation Specialist in the preparation of training for USAID/DRC staff on the collection methods and maintenance of institutional strengthening data.

         Any other duties as assigned by the Institutional Strengthening and Evaluation Specialist

The Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant must have:

         At least a bachelor’s degree (Graduat in DRC) in the field of organizational development, public administration, international development or related social sciences field

         Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation strategies  in development projects and programs;

         At least one year of international experience supporting the design and management of evaluations, analyses, and assessments

         Strong oral and written communication skills

         Strong time management and organizational skills

         Fluent English and French writing skills and speaking ability are required. 

To Apply:
Please apply online at https://ibtci.devhire.devex.com/jobs/332738/apply/new by submitting a CV and cover letter.


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